Zoey 101

Zoey 101 is a youthful comedy series created by Dan Schneider for Nickelodeon TV channel. The show debuted on January 9, 2005 and ended on May 2, 2008 in the United States. He was starring actress Jamie Lynn Spears and co-starring Paul Butcher, Sean Flynn (who was replaced by Austin Butler in season 4), Christopher Massey, Erin Sanders and Matthew Underwood and also by Victoria Justice (season 2-4) Alexa Nikolas (season 1-2) and Kristin Herrera (season 1).

Initially, it was recorded at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, and from season 3, some scenes recorded in Valencia, California. She was nominated for an Emmy Award for "Best Children's Program" in 2005. He also had the largest audience for a premiere of Nickelodeon in nearly eight years. The series had to be completed with 4 seasons and 65 episodes in 2008, because Jamie Lynn Spears got pregnant and was the protagonist.

In 2013 the series won in the category "Best Series Neox Kidz" at the awards neox fan awards in Spain.

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